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The Late Beloved Ones of Mine
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The Photos

Here you'll find the photos of the late beloved ones of mine, my grand father, my grand auntie and my grand grand mother. They all left me too soon to recompense all their kindness.


My beloved maternal grandfather who became ill and rather was killed in the hands of the doctors and nurses of a so-called famouse hospital.


That little baby girl featured in these photos is today's big gal by the name of Pantee!


Another late beloved one of mine, my great aunt, she was really great and kind and pretty lovely. I will never forgive myself that wasn't with her on her last days.


The above lady is my great grand mother, she used to make dolls for me and play with me. I missed her very soon.

I think no grandfather on earth has ever hugged his grandchild like mine

May They All Rest In Peace