Not very
long ago Iranians faced a crisis over the
historical name of the world-known Persian
Gulf being altered by a so-called scientific
organization known as the National Geographic
Society. Although it is over - to some
extent- by now, I thought I'd better keep the
following petition-signing request of mine as
a reminder of what
they did and how we acted against their
childish dispute (caused by a recently
established sheikdom which was once a part of
Persia itself!) over this ancient body of
I could have never imagined that a reputable organization
like Natural Geographic society would publish an Atlas
using the fake names instead of or along with the original
ancient names.
Persian Gulf
Persian Gulf and no
Arabian Gulf ever existed to be named in their maps. If you do care about history and
real facts
and are disgusted of this act of NGS please go
and sign a petition against their usage of
such a fake name. Thank you!

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Persian Gulf will remain Persian forever |

Iran is a more than 7000 year old land, not a just established Sheykhdom! |
New Page 1
Persian Gulf Golfe Persique Persiche Golf Golfo Persa Golfo Pérsico Golfo Persiano Sinus Persicus Περσικός Κόλπος Персидский залив 波斯湾 ペルシャ湾 페르시아 만 อ่าวเปอร์เซียน درياي پارس خليج فارس الخليج الفارسي המפרץ הפרסי
of Archeological Treasures
Ancient Pasargad region and the Tomb of
Cyrus the Great are threatened by a
nearby building dam. Unfortunately its
construction project is not being stopped
and all these ancient sites are in the
inevitable danger of either being washed
away or destroyed by the heavy humidity.
So please DO help us save what remained of
one of the ancient civilizations by just
signing the
Save the Precious
Archeological Sites of Pasargad in Iran
petition before it is becoming too late.
Thank you in advance. |