Hmm; As I refer to my memory I seem to have always liked the martial arts (Kung Fu) oriented movies and
series. I guess the first such thing that I watched for the first time (at the age of 6 if not mistaken) was Bruce Lee's "Enter
the Dragon". Oh My! I was so possessed by that movie and that Chinese man that I just kept watching and watching it every
day! Hehe, I was really enjoying Bruce Lee's image

How sad that such big martial arts master lost his life in a very suspicious way

Then some years later, the Iranian Channel 1 started showing a heroic Chinese series whose Persian translated
title was "The Mountain Warriors". It was a great serial indeed and I really enjoyed it. That feeling was repeated when the
serial was aired again some years ago. And then..., came the best ever martial arts series I had ever watched

Based on a same titled book written by the great Chinese
Wuxia author Jin Yong, Xiao Ao Jiang
Hu translated into Persian as
افسانه شجاعان
( Afsaneh Shoja'an
= Legend of the Braves )
was the name of the series. I can't be sure of its exact
translation in English
but some seen equivalents for it
are as follows (the first one I
think should be the closest one):
Smiling Proud Wanderer
State of Divinity
Blood Cold and Proud Hot
Laughing in the Wind
The one I'm referring to is the CCTV
2001 adaptation of the novel
(since some other adaptations
were made already) and is mostly
known as the State of Divinity or
Blood Cold and Proud Hot in
English. Although I haven't
watched all the XAJH
adaptations (except for the
Mediacorp and TVB's 1996 one), I
can easily make my mind and say
that the mainland China
adaptation is the Best. In my opinion, everything in their adaptation is perfect: beautiful sceneries, breath taking and hair raising martial arts,
fabulous music and songs and a group of gorgeous and good looking actors and actresses (don't forget to check my The Cast
page to see who was playing whom

). Everybody did his/her job pretty well no matter how long the the role (time) was. But the main cast (in my opinion again)
are limited to these people:
Li Jie as the unfortunate and ill-fated LPZ did a great job too. So did Miao Yiyi as Yue Buqun's daddy's
girl Lingshan.
LHC and RYY are the main hero and heroine of the story and Li Yapeng and Xu Qing are the main actor and
actress of the series too. I've seen/read some criticizing Li Yapeng portrayal of
Linghu Chong but in my opinion he's just perfect
especially when he starts joking or making fun of the enemies. I still love his disguise as a general, quite hilarious

And Xu Qing, she's so cute and believable as Yingying that I can't say anything against her. Quite perfect

Poof! I've done lot of things regarding this page today! Hopefully will add more later. But
meanwhile, you can check the other links I've provided on the right as they're pretty cool since they are written
and created by me too (except for
the Stage Photos)
کمى هم به زبان شيرين فارسى
بنويسم! خوب افسانه شجاعان دوستان
عزيز بگذاريد يک توضيحى در
رابطه با لينک هاى سمت راستى بدهم
: اولين مورد که عکس شانار کنارشه،
مربوط به داستان سرياله، دوميش
مربوط ميشه به عکس ها و اسکرين شات
هايى از شخصيت ها و صحنه هايى از
سريال، سومين مورد هنرپيشه ها
هستند که عکسى از خود بدون گريمشون
با شخصيت افسانه شجاعانيشون و
اساميشون رو مىتونيد ببينيد،
چهارمين مورد که عکس لينخو در
کنارشه، مقايسه ايست بين شخصيت هاى
اين ورژنى که ما ديديم و شخصيت هاى
برداشت هاى ديگر که از نظر من
هيچکدومشون به پاى اين يکى نمى
رسند، پنجمين لينک شما رو به آهنگ
هاى سريال راهنمايى ميکنه، فقط چون
تو پرشين گيگ آپ کردمشون ممکنه يه
وقت پهناى باندش تموم شده باشه،
لطفا دوباره سعىکنيد، ششمين مورد
چندتا والپيپر دستپخت اينجانبه که
به نظر خودم بدک از آب در نيومدند!
آخرين مورد هم مربوط ميشه به يک
سايت چينى که عکس هاى باکيفيت و
باحالى از سريال داره. اميدوارم از
لينک هاى بالا کمال حسن استفاده رو
ببريد ^_^